Master Gardener Volunteer Opportunities
Here are the guidelines for obtaining volunteer hours for the Lake Cumberland Master Gardener group
Below you'll find some ideas on how to earn volunteer hours. This list is not comprehensive.
- Be an Educator! -- research a topic and develop a powerpoint, video, or poster. Deliver via in-person, social media, Zoom, or any other way. Play to your strengths. Use UK publications to back up your facts.
- Social Media -- become an administrator for the Lake Cumberland Master Gardener Facebook and/or Instagram accounts. Come up with some graphics or short videos to share on these two platforms.
- Grab N Go -- Come up with an idea for a Grab N Go activity or kit. Put together a list of items for the kit. Don't forget the educational component. Assemble the kits, come up with a graphic to promote it, and deliver them. Youth or adults. These kits are extremely popular!
- Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument -- EMGs have a relationship with the park and help occasionally with consultations, planting events, and/or maintenance activities.
- Extension Office Gardens -- There's always weeding and watering that needs to be done from spring to fall. BYOTools
- Sky Hope Rehabilitation Center -- Horticultural therapy is what we do at the Sky Hope. Visits are weekly throughout the year.
- Give a virtual tour of your garden or a garden that you like using Facebook Live. Make sure it's educational.
- Newsletter Article -- Write up an article and submit it to me to put in my monthly newsletter.
- Tree Week -- There are many ways to assist with Tree Week from being on the planning committee to actually leading or helping with an activity. Tree Week is usually the 2nd week of October.
- Youth Day Camps -- 4H has day camps scheduled throughout the year. Earn volunteer hours by assisting during the camp.
- Lead or serve on various committees to organize and plan upcoming events
- Attend Lake Cumberland Master Gardener meetings -- you receive an hour of volunteer time for each meeting